Sunday, November 09, 2008

The 23rd good thing about Northern Nigeria: Seeing the permanent Fulani village

We then walked a short distance and crossed an irrigation ditch to the area where the Fulani who live there permanently had a village. They had some nice crops (millet or sorghum -- we were never sure which exactly it was) growing that would be a food source for the nomadic Fulani as they spent some time in this area.

This little girl's mother wanted her to come out of their house and see the visitors. When we first got there, she just had some tears silently falling, but as more white people appeared, her tears turned into wails. We motioned to the mother that she should let her go back in her house. We didn't want to cause her such distress, but clearly seeing so many white people was out of her comfort zone.

We were invited to enter the house of the chief of the village and greet him.

Their houses were a little bigger, taller and more comfortable than the stick temporary structures of the nomadic Fulani.

This is the Fulani dish rack.

The Fulani are a beautiful people and we enjoyed seeing their colorful dress and getting a peek at their interesting way of life.


Emeka Amakeze said...

Having the mind to go looking for good in Lagos makes you a butterfly that will definitly find a beautiful flower. You will find a lot of good in Lagos. I enjoyed your post on the Fulani people and, very lovely pictures. Hope you learnt some fulani words?

BeantownFam said...

Mom-- I love the new blog template!! So cool. Thanks for taking the time to post all the pictures and experiences too. We love seeing Nigeria through your eyes.