Sunday, November 04, 2012

The 332nd good thing about Lagos: A new beginning at AWC

The American Women's Club got off to a great start to the fall season with a fun opening tea held at the Lagos Yacht Club.  It was a beautiful day and there was a great turnout of women joining the club and signing up for activities.  Some expat women have large company organizations here to network and get support, others with children at the American School build a support system with other parents, but I don't have either of those options.  I'm so glad that this organization is around to help provide me a network and support.  I've been here long enough that I'd be okay without it, but I'm glad it's still around.  It's gone through some difficult times recently, but this year there is a new spirit and excitement and energy.


Being part of The American Women's Club -- Uniting Women in Lagos -- is a good thing!

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