Monday, September 04, 2006

The 18th good thing about Lagos: Seeing cute kids in remote areas who have funny names for white people.

On our day at the beach, as we were walking across the peninsula from the boat dock on the creek to the beach hut on the Atlantic Ocean beach, we were greeted by a crowd of young boys. They saw us and shouted and pointed "Oyibo, oyibo!" From a book about Nigeria I had been reading, I knew what they were saying. This word is their term for white people -- literally it means "peeled one." Like our black skin had been peeled away and left us white.

They were playing with sticks that were laying around and were very happy that our friends had brought some old soccer balls for them to play with. They enjoyed posing for pictures and loved looking at their picture on the back of the camera. They would find themselves in the picture and point and just laugh. They seemed to understand some English, but they didn't speak it well. Here are some other pictures of people that were around from the village that owns the land the beach huts are built on. I guess the huts are their revenue source -- along with the "dash" that I passed on to them for taking their picture. I didn't have small bills for all the kids, so I had a little grabbing fight break out among them for the bill I offered them. Isn't this little girl cute! On the left, possibly it's her big sister carrying her, posing by the guard hut. All over the place you see babies being carried on backs with these wrapped ties. They always seem pretty happy to be there. When we left, there were lots of villagers who showed up, hoping to help us load up and see us off and, probably, hoping for a little "dash" in the process.

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